مفك تيست صغير YT-2831
اسم العلامة التجارية
مصدر الطاقة
موصل بسلك كهربي
أبعاد السلعة
125-250V, SIZE 3x140MM
نوع القياس
مقياس الجهد الكهربائي
مفك صليبة PH0X65MM YT-2682 Teutonic screwdriver type pH. Cylindrical heel, made of steel with the S2 symbol, hardened to about 58 HRC. The surface of the satin, the working tip...
طقم مفكات 6 قطع YT-25862
Product code :
Manufacturer :
Standard :
Style :
4 edges, 2 edges
Number of details :
Material :
premium metal
Weight :
مفك صليبة PH3X300MM YT-2734 Teutonic screwdriver type pH. Cylindrical heel, made of steel with the S2 symbol, hardened to about 58 HRC. The surface of the satin, the working tip...
مفك صليبة PH0X75MM YT-25920 Teutonic screwdriver type pH. Cylindrical heel, made of steel with the S2 symbol, hardened to about 58 HRC. The surface of the satin, the working tip...
مفك صليبة طويل 6150 CRV YT-2712 Teutonic screwdriver type pH. Cylindrical heel, made of steel with the S2 symbol, hardened to about 58 HRC. The surface of the satin, the...
مفك صليبه ph2*100 CR-V YT-2708 Teutonic screwdriver type pH. Cylindrical heel, made of steel with the S2 symbol, hardened to about 58 HRC. The surface of the satin, the working...