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ديسك قطعية الومنيوم ماركة دى وولت DE WALT طراز DW715 مقاس 12" هندى الصنع قدرة الماتور 1700 واط يعمل على تيار كهربائى 220 فولط مزود بقاعده الومنيوم متحركة للقطع بزوايا مختلفة و مزود بغطاء للسلاح للامان .
The 12 in. Single-Bevel Compound Miter Saw is powered by a 15 Amp motor to drive 4,000 rpm, delivering extended power and durability. It features a stainless-steel miter detent plate and cam miter lock that provide repeatable accuracy and durability with easy adjustments. Tall sliding fences support 5-1/2 in. of base molding vertically and 5-1/2 in. of crown molding vertically nested. Its lightweight design and built-in carry handle are ideal for portability.